Search your soul & Repent…

The Malaysiakini reports:
Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi today said his “biggest mistake” in disastrous elections was to ignore cyber-campaigning on the Internet which was seized by the opposition.

Pak Lah Pak Lah… Please la…. for goodness sake, search your sould, admit your errors and repent. It’s better late than never. Instead, he still got guts (the wrong type of guts la) to point his finger at Cyber Campaign on the Internet for his disastrous loss in the election. He even blew his last chance to admit that it was the collecteral actions of his U Must Not Object group of people that send the people to ever embracing arms of the Opposition.

Come on la, what it has to do with watever you call them – Cyber campaign ka, cyber war ka or internet war. In fact, who’s waging such war against the money-spinning mechanism of BN? Is there a ‘war’ at all? Can any Opposition party fight with them on level ground in terms of promotions? NO NO & NO again! Political party cannot beat BN. But the people can! The Opposition need not pay millions of RM to promote themselves. The people volunteerly promote them by exposing all the shit the BN government is producing. So what can you say and who can you blame? aiyahhh…. look no more. Yourself la

Dear Pak Lah, you BN can control 101% of the radio & TV. Tat’s OK! Control the newspaper. Tat one OK also. Advertise aggresively in the Internet. Your ads can be found even in Yahoo! But you can’t control what the people want to read or hear. The world has changed but you and your konco-konco have not. That’s the problem lor.. so easy nia ma. Admit it la. Be a real man!

Everybody is the same. We are all ordinary humans. Not Superman or Ultraman. You chose to listen to whom you’ve chosen and so do the people. Will you listen to someone like Lilian the 5xMom? She is good in blog u know? LOL… Maybe you can employ her to teach your konco-konco to blog if you gonna fight this so-call Internet War in the next election. You got alot of Mat Rempits at the disposal of your in-law wat. Call them to attend her class rather than wasting time performing motor stunts nobody is interested in. I dunno whether she would accept or not but you can try to tempt her with a BIG pay packet! What do you say Sis?

We Malaysian are now living in the 21st century dah. We are no longer the katak under the tempurung oredi. Boycott local newsSo if you think you can influence the vote with these ‘petty’ promotional ideas such as newspaper and TV, you are horribly n terribly wrong!

I used to read and supported The Star. But during the election, all I got for my RM1.20 (weekdays) and RM1.50 (weekends) is a bunch of promotional leaflets for BN. The reporting was soooooooooooooo one-sided that I got soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sick of The Star, I have boycotted it till now! In fact I am advocating a campaign to boycott the local newspapers. So if anyone out there want real news? It’s so simple… read my blog la… hehehehe…. 🙂 Somemore it’s FOC! Where got such a good deal you can get with printed media?

Pak Lah has forgotten the famous old wise saying “Too many cooks spoils the soup!” I believe the promotional mechanism of BN got too hot liao so much so they pump too much money into the ‘conventional’ ways of doing things and people got ‘jilak’ with their message.

Coupled with the recent happenings such as the issue of Hindraf, Kerismudin, In-Laws, Lingam & Co and other self-destruct stories from every component of BN, it equals to the worst performance by the ruling party in a general election of Malaysia. Unless they change, here I mean a real change in their hearts n mind, a defeat looms for UMNO & Associates! It’s time for you to admit and repent my dear Prime Minister…

2 thoughts on “Search your soul & Repent…

  1. I laught to death reading this article in Malaysiakini too. I was thinking how are they going to start thier cyber-campaign. Maybe it is easier if they can shut-down the access for the whole country or maybe buy over Malaysiakini.

  2. Pei Sze: Lol… dun worry, there are lots of bloggers out there to provide the TRUTH even BN really own a stake in Malaysiakini. BN is fighting a losing war. We bloggers are actually launching a ‘man-sea warfare’ (ren hai zan su). You can ‘kill’ a few but still more are coming!

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